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Novels At Night

The Novels at Night Adult Writers' Group is for my fellow writers and for me.  I needed a tribe. I wanted to grow conversation and inspiration. I write because I have something to say, a story to share, a way to look at things that even I didn't understand until I put it into words. 
Are you working on a poem? keeping a journal? Has a short story been swirling around in your mind, taking shape over time? Do you want to become more efficient, more precise in your writing process? Do you want others to read your work and provide meaningful, thoughtful feedback? Do you want to talk about the impact of reading certain books on your writing.
This group is for you.   
Join us for our bi-monthly gathering: TBD, 6:00-8:00pm
Look for more meeting dates on the Literacy Coach Facebook page
"But when people say, Did you always want to be a writer?, I have to say no! I always was a writer." ~ Ursula Le Guin 

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